19th Sunday After Trinity: (19) Sun

Nineteen weeks after Trinity Sunday the (0) Fool arrives at the arcana of the the (19) Sun, and for one week the (19) Sun reigns supreme and alone, being both the arcana of the Trinity season and of the nineteenth week after Trinity.

During the nineteenth week after Trinity Marsilio Ficino’s treatise on the sun Del Sole is to be read, two or three chapters per day so as to complete the whole treatise by the end of the week.

The Collect

O God, forasmuch as without thee we are not able to please thee; Mercifully grant, that thy Holy Spirit may in all things direct and rule our hearts; through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen.

Book of Common Prayer

Old Testament Reading

unto you that fear my name shall the sun of righteousness arise with healing in his wings.

Malachi 4: 2

New Testament Reading

speak every man truth with his neighbour: for we are members one of another. Be ye angry and sin not: let not the sun go down upon your wrath.

Ephesians 4: 25-26

Liturgical Affirmation

Ego sum lux mundi.

I am the light of the world.