
Septuagesima is the first of the three Sundays of Shrovetide and occurs approximately seventy days before Easter. Shrovetide is a pre-Lenten season of carnival which lasts until Shrove Tuesday. The seasonal arcana for Shrovetide, as for the Sundays between Trinity and Advent, is the (18) Moon. The arcana for Septuagesima itself is (8) Justice, reflecting the themes of the collect and the New Testament reading, that is, that whatever we receive is both “right” and “justly” given.

The Collect

O Lord, we beseech thee favourably to hear the prayers of thy people; that we, who are justly punished for our offences, may be mercifully delivered by thy goodness, for the glory of thy Name; through Jesus Christ our Savour, who liveth and reigneth with thee and the Holy Ghost, ever one God, world without end.

Book of Common Prayer

Old Testament Reading

When the wicked man turneth away from his wickedness that he hath committed, and doeth that which is lawful and right, he shall save his soul alive.

Ezekiel 18: 27

New Testament Reading

Go ye also into the vineyard, and whatsoever is right, that shall ye receive.

Matthew 20: 7

Liturgical Affirmation

Omnia tempus habent et suis spatiis transeunt universa sub caelo.

Dabo unicuique vestram secundum opera sua.

All things have their season, and in their times all things pass under heaven. I will give unto every one of you according to your works.