Tuesday 22nd August 2023: 10 of Pentacles Reversed

The Ten of Pentacles Reversed is often taken to signify disruptions in financial stability, strained relationships within the family or community, imbalances between work and personal life, and a need for reassessment and balance.

The Ten of Pentacles is ruled by Mercury in Virgo. Mercury is the planet associated with communication, rhetoric, intellect, analytical thinking, business, gambling, gamesmanship and trickery. Mercury represents our ability to process information, make connections, and express ourselves effectively. Virgo, on the other hand, is an earth sign known for its practicality, attention to detail, and meticulous nature. When Mercury is in Virgo, its energy is enhanced and focused on organization, efficiency, and precision.

In the Ten of Pentacles Reversed, the symbolism of Mercury in Virgo suggests the need to reassess and analyze the factors contributing to financial setbacks, strained relationships, or imbalances between work and personal life. It prompts us to pay attention to details, communicate effectively, and find practical solutions to restore stability and harmony.

Additionally, Mercury in Virgo can also amplify the tendency towards perfectionism and overemphasis on minor details. It is important to be mindful of this inclination and find a balance between the desire for perfection and accepting the imperfections of life. Mercury in Virgo reminds us that success and happiness can come from finding efficiency and organization while also recognizing the value of flexibility and adaptability.

Elliot Adam’s Interpretation

However, in a recent blog post about the Ten of Pentacles Reversed, Elliot Adam offers a refreshingly new and insightful perspective to the Ten of Pentacles Reversed:

The reversed Ten of Pentacles reminds us of the need to honor the sacrifices and hard work of those who came before us. It serves as a reminder to acknowledge the traditions and wisdom passed down through generations. This card encourages us to delve deeper into our family history, to learn about our ancestors, and to connect with our roots.


Here is his one minute video on this topic:

In the video Elliot Adam concludes by saying,

There is a way forward, but you may need to look to the past for the answer.

Elliot Adam

Sun in Leo

The sidereal Sun is in fiery Leo, bringing warmth, confidence, and creativity. It encourages us to seek recognition and validation while emphasizing the importance of self-expression. In the context of the Ten of Pentacles Reversed, the Sun in Leo reminds us to balance seeking external approval with appreciating the value of personal relationships and heritage. It ignites optimism and resilience, prompting us to overcome challenges and create abundance by learning from those shining lights who have gone before us.

Venus and Mercury Go Retrograde This Week

Venus goes retrograde in Leo today, and moves back into protective Cancer on Thursday. Meanwhile, Mercury (the ruler of the Ten of Pentacles) begins to go retrograde on in Leo on Wednesday.

It seems to me that today’s arcana inites us to pay particular attention to retrograde planets this week to gain valuable insight into the situation that the arcana brings to light.

Venus Retrograde in Leo Square Jupiter

Today Venus begins to go retrograde, prompting us to reevaluate our values, particularly in relationships and personal connections. In the context of the Ten of Pentacles Reversed, Venus Retrograde nudges us to reassess the importance of material wealth and focus on the what we love and value about our heritage, while expansive Jupiter challenges us more actively to integrate that perspective into our lives.

Mercury Station Direct in Leo

With Mercury going retrograde from tomorrow until 15th September we are invited to reflect on how we think, do business, and express ourselves as it is said that Mercury retrograde in Leo impacts our ability to express ourselves confidently and authentically. 

During Mercury retrograde in Leo, there may be a need to revisit past creative projects, reassess personal goals, or reconsider our self-expression. It encourages us to reflect on our self-worth, confidence, and the way we present ourselves to the world. This period prompts us to find a balance between seeking external validation and valuing our own unique qualities and perspectives.

Speaking of balance, the first quarter Moon will be leaving Leo and passing through Libra on Wednesday challenging us to find a balance in how we express ourselves (which was the theme of the New Moon in Leo last Wednesday).

At the same time, Mars (the planet that governs Tuesdays) is in opposition to Neptune challenging us to find a more receptive and soulful way to pursue our goals.

In short there is a lot of planetary support for the themes of the Ten of Pentacles Reversed, which can help to guide us in our meditation of the lessons the arcana is offering us right now.

22nd August 1485: The Battle of Bosworth

From Exile to the Crown: Lessons from Henry VII

The story of Henry VII’s rise from exile to claiming the English crown at the Battle of Bosworth on 22nd August 1485, five hundred and thirty eight years ago today, serves as a powerful life lesson, highlighting the qualities and attributes necessary to overcome adversity and achieve one’s goals. Drawing inspiration from this remarkable journey, we can identify several key qualities that can empower individuals to navigate challenging circumstances and emerge victorious.

Henry Tudor, later known as Henry VII, faced numerous challenges and obstacles on his path to claiming the English crown at the Battle of Bosworth in 1485. After the Wars of the Roses, the Yorkist dynasty was in control of England, and Henry Tudor’s claim to the throne was tenuous at best. However, through a combination of resilience, strategic thinking, perseverance, charismatic leadership, and adaptability, he managed to survive exile and ultimately secure his position as king.

In 1471, following the defeat of the Lancastrians, Henry Tudor was forced to flee to Brittany to escape Yorkist persecution. During his exile, he sought refuge and support from various European powers, most notably France. He established alliances and built relationships with influential figures who sympathized with the Lancastrian cause.

Henry Tudor’s chances of claiming the English crown were greatly enhanced when he formed an alliance with Francis II, Duke of Brittany. This alliance provided him with the necessary resources and protection to plan his return to England. In 1483, with the support of French troops and financial backing, Henry Tudor embarked on an invasion of England. However, this attempt failed due to unfavorable weather conditions, forcing him to retreat.

It was not until 1485 that Henry Tudor made his successful return. He capitalized on the discontent within England caused by the reign of Richard III, who had usurped the throne from his nephew, Edward V. Henry Tudor rallied support from disaffected nobles, promising to restore stability and to unify the country. He presented himself as the rightful heir and a symbol of hope for the Lancastrian cause.

At the Battle of Bosworth, Henry Tudor’s forces faced off against Richard III’s army. Despite being outnumbered, Henry’s forces fought fiercely. When Richard realized that Lord Stanley had switched sides he launched a sudden desperate charge towards Henry. Henry’s standard bearer was cut down before Richard was surrounded, unhorsed, defeated and killed. This victory secured Henry Tudor’s claim to the English crown. The crown that had fallen from Richard’s head was found under a mulberry bush and brought to Henry, who was crowned Henry VII.


  1. Resilience: Henry Tudor’s story teaches us the importance of resilience in the face of adversity, reminding us that setbacks are temporary and should be viewed as stepping stones towards success.
  2. Strategic Thinking: Henry’s ability to think strategically and form alliances emphasizes the need to analyze situations, identify opportunities, and develop calculated plans to achieve our goals.
  3. Perseverance: Henry’s journey underscores the significance of perseverance, urging us to stay committed to our aspirations even in the face of adversity.
  4. Charismatic Leadership: Henry’s ability to inspire and unite others highlights the impact of effective leadership, emphasizing the importance of inspiring others and forging strong alliances.
  5. Adaptability: Henry’s remarkable adaptability and willingness to adjust plans in changing circumstances underscore the importance of flexibility in achieving success.


Henry VII’s journey from exile to the crown serves as an inspiring life lesson, teaching us the qualities necessary to overcome adversity, reverse our fortune, and achieve our goals. By embodying resilience, strategic thinking, perseverance, charismatic leadership, and adaptability, individuals can navigate challenging circumstances and find success. Henry Tudor’s story reminds us that even in the most challenging circumstances, with determination and the right qualities, we can transform our lives and claim our own metaphorical crowns.