Sunday 27th August 2023: 3 of Swords

The Three of Swords signifies the lingering pain of emotional wounds that are being held onto, preventing healing and growth. This arcana is ruled by Saturn in Libra. Saturn’s influence of discipline and structure suggests that there may be a tendency to hold onto the wounds of the past due to a fear of change or a belief that they define one’s identity.

The energy of Libra, which represents balance and relationships, highlights the need to find equilibrium and harmony within oneself and in interpersonal connections. Saturn’s rulership in Libra indicates that the clinging to past hurts may be causing imbalances and disharmony in relationships. It suggests that releasing these burdens is necessary to restore balance and create healthier connections.

Five days ago we drew the Ten of Pentacles Reversed, which invited us to reevaluate the past and reconnect with our history or heritage and find renewed inspiration in our individual, familial, and cultural past. The Three of Swords reminds us that it is also important not to be defined by the traumas of the past but to seek to forgive, heal and let go of the negative content, whether of the hurt done to us or of the hurt we have inflicted.

Sun in Leo In Opposition To Saturn

The Sun in Leo opposite Saturn suggests a tension between uninhibited self-expression on the one hand, and the limitations or responsibilities that may hinder that expression on the other. This opposition may indicate a struggle to overcome personal barriers and find the courage to confront and heal from the heartbreak or past traumas hinted at in the Three of Swords.

Venus Retrograde In Cancer

Venus retrograde in Cancer reflects a period of reassessment and introspection regarding matters of love and relationships. It suggests a need to reflect on past emotional experiences and possibly revisit unresolved issues. This retrograde may influence a more inward focus on self-love, forgiveness, and nurturing before being able to establish healthier connections.

Mercury Retrograde In Leo

Mercury retrograde in Leo can bring communication challenges and misunderstandings. This may indicate difficulties in expressing emotions or articulating one’s feelings about past hurts. It may be necessary to be patient and understanding with oneself and others during this retrograde, as it can amplify the need for healing conversations.

For a deeper dive into the hidden presence of Mercury in the Three of Swords, watch this video by Raven’s Arcana:

Mars In Virgo

Mars in Virgo brings a meticulous and analytical approach to addressing emotional wounds. It suggests a need for practical action and attention to detail in the healing process. This placement encourages taking small, practical steps towards releasing past hurts and traumas.

Overall, these planetary placements can influence the reading of the Three of Swords by highlighting the importance of self-reflection, patience, and practical steps to release past pain. They may also emphasize the need for open and clear communication to facilitate healing and growth and the challenges in the way of achieving clarity. Such “communication” may take the form of an inner dialogue with oneself as much as with other people.

Three Types Of Pain

There are three types of pain that may be experienced when reminded of the follies of the past: regret, rage, and shame. Those are the “gifts” that T. S. Eliot describes in his poem, Little Gidding:

From Little Gidding

Let me disclose the gifts reserved for age
To set a crown upon your lifetime’s effort.
First, the cold friction of expiring sense
Without enchantment, offering no promise
But bitter tastelessness of shadow fruit
As body and soul begin to fall asunder.
Second, the conscious impotence of rage
At human folly, and the laceration
Of laughter at what ceases to amuse.
And last, the rending pain of re-enactment
Of all that you have done, and been; the shame
Of motives late revealed, and the awareness
Of things ill done and done to others’ harm
Which once you took for exercise of virtue.
Then fools’ approval stings, and honour stains.
From wrong to wrong the exasperated spirit
Proceeds, unless restored by that refining fire
Where you must move in measure, like a dancer.

Little Gidding, T. S. Eliot


As the Three of Swords is our “solar” arcana for the coming week, which indicates the energy we carry with us into the world of affairs. The Three of Swords points to both our own and other people’s vulnerabilities, so while taking time for self-care, it is also important to offer empathy and support to others and to avoid using the tongue, the eyes and gestures as triple two-edged swords two pierce another’s already wounded heart. Beware lest Mercury retrograde causes you too hastily to loosen your tongue to your own regret.

As the Three of Swords is our “solar” arcana for the coming week, which indicates the energy we carry with us into the world of affairs. The Three of Swords points to both our own and other people’s vulnerabilities, so while taking time for self-care, it is also important to offer empathy and support to others and to avoid using the tongue, the eyes and gestures as triple two-edged swords two pierce another’s already wounded heart. Beware lest Mercury retrograde causes you too hastily to loosen your tongue to your own regret. 🤫